Monday, December 7, 2015

I'm Still Alive, I Swear

First off, I'd like to say I'm sorry and it's not just for the lack of posts. I'm apologizing not only to you, the people who read my posts, but to all the characters living in my brain. Actually, to one character in particular. I promised I wouldn't put him on the back burner and I did. I was telling myself and my character, "I think about the story every day. I haven't forgotten about you."

But thinking about it is not enough. It's sitting down and actually putting the words on the page that matters the most.

All of my focus shifted to my job, moving up in the company, wanting to make that extra buck. Unfortunately, all that hard work was not paying off. I've been absolutely miserable these last few months and when I finally realized that, it was too late.

I won't go too deep into it, but basically, I came home one night and broke down. I fought to the point I couldn't fight anymore. I was working myself sick and that had to stop.

What really pissed me off is I lost NaNoWriMo and that has NEVER happened!

So I quit my job.

I know, I know. The smart thing to do in these hard times is to always have another job lined up. Well, I do have another job. THIS job. It doesn't pay as well, but then again, neither did the last one.

I worked in retail. There are a thousand people that can take my place in a heartbeat. I don't want to work in retail the rest of my life. It's a dead end. More importantly, there are stories out there that need to be written and there are pictures that need to be drawn and I am the only one that can make them. I want a job where I am irreplaceable and that is right here. I want a job that I enjoy. And when you enjoy something a lot, you actually won't have to work another day in your life.

So starting this week, I will be working my ass off getting healthy, getting into a routine, and making my work known. No more back burners. The pan is hot and ready and I'm going to cook up something really good.

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