Friday, June 12, 2015

The Best Card

Yeah, it's been awhile. I really have no excuse for the lack of drawings. I'm just lazy and Skyrim Online for PS4 is a thing now.

But I'd just like to give a shout out to one of my best friends, Tyler, for sending me a super super awesome congrats card on my recent marriage to Skippy. (I should really make a post about that shindig. It was fun.)

The card seems normal and heartfelt on the outside. The message within is the following:

"To the Mr. and Mrs.,
Wishing you a marriage
filed with smile after smile
as you keep discovering
even more beautiful reasons
to love one another.

Congratulations, you two!

Your Weird Friend,

Side note: His script is prettier than yours.

Now, the word "reasons" is underlined and it has an arrow pointing to the left side of the card.

Here are the reasons he printed and pasted to the card:

Thank you again, Tyler. You're a freak. And that's why we're friends.