Monday, September 23, 2013

Hippy Breathday

Some pictures of cake and crap.

So yesterday for my birfday, Skippy made me a very nice three layered cake which I'll probably be eating for breakfast for the next week. He made homemade buttercream icing and whipped out all his cake decorating tools. He told me to pick out some colors and decorate half the cake.

My side came out like this:

I realized my favorite colors are Mardi Gras. There's a Tim Burton-esque feel to it with the swirls. My favorite chunk is the weird spiraly flower on the bottom.

And then my wrists started to hurt and I said "SCREW IT!"....

Yeah, I had to. I was going to give him bleedy eyes but I didn't want to mess it up.

Meanwhile Skippy's side came out all professional and pretty.

I made a wall. It says "WALL" :

Skippy decorated his side of the top and told me to fill the rest in.

Thus I invented Cake-Libs.

It was a wonderful Hippy Breathday. And yes, I made it say "Jilbo Baggins".

Friday, September 20, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Oedipus Style

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Just screwin' around before I have to make dinner.

Oh Yeah, I Forgot Seasons Happen

Fall doth approacheth. I have been spoiled by the Florida seasons: Summer, Not-So Summer and Christmas.

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So far it's just been random acts of itchy nose and sinus headaches. I haven't turned into a Benadryl horse yet.

A "Walkman" Down Memory Lane

A look into my life around ages 11- now and how my Sony Walkman was there for all of it....

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Faire, the Faire and the Ginger Haired

Warning! Contains extremely an graphic cartoon.
(There was a sideshow guy that did piercy skin things. Ye be warned.)

More after the jump because it's a long one.