Sunday, December 7, 2014

Well I'll Certainly Remember Pearl Harbor Now.

Just a brief little thing that happened today, December 7, 2014. 7/14: the number that follows me everywhere.

So there's a nice little trail near our place we like to hang out at sometimes. By we, I mean I like to sit in the mud while geese climb all over me. Skippy took the bread from the restaurant we ate at and decided to go for a walk.

He was cold.

And I was happy I found the swan. That bird can spot me from a mile away because I feed him constantly.

I was thoroughly enjoying myself. My butt was numb, but I love going out to feed the birds every so often. My dream is to become the pigeon lady in Home Alone 2 when I'm ancient and crazy.... crazier.

Skippy was all bouncy and was keeping his hands warm Napoleon style in his coat.

At one point I see him go to the ground. I figured the mud sucked half his leg down like last time we were at this river so I was ready to laugh my ass off. But his legs weren't halfway in the mud.

He was holding something.

This is an event everyone and my mother has been waiting to happen. We've been together for the longest time now. But still, here I was finally in the moment. It was real.

And my brain died.

He said my name, the question hung in the air. Even the swan, I think, stopped sifting through the murky water searching for bread and waited for my response.

I've had hearts pop out of my ear and float up into the sky. This was the next level. This was brain-plop. The words cycling through my head were equivalent to what I say when I see a snake. ("Ebbe-deh-heh-beh... ubba.. uuuuh...")

As soon as I heard my own voice blurt out the "WHAT?!" my brain returned to it's home and I figured out I was being retarded.

And the next word I said was "Yes".

I'm glad it was a private event. I think I'd feel awkward if there was a crowd of people applauding for us in some restaurant or something. And I'm glad he didn't hide the ring in a cupcake or a flute of champagne. He knows how my goat instincts kick in and I down that shit.
It was weird enough that something that's always been briefly discussed in the form of "So where the hell is that ring?!" turned into a real thing. I guess the reason I was surprised was because I always knew that this was coming, I just didn't know in what form. It was how he was going to do it was what caught me off guard. 

And I'm glad I didn't totally freak out. Only one hand went to cover my mouth! I didn't full-on "Stefon" it.

^ That = not me ^

It was simple and with a swan and it happened on 7/14 (of December).

And that children is why I shall always remember Pearl Harbor, a day that will live in infamy.

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