Friday, January 16, 2015

Slowpoke Gamer Reviews: Dishonored

I was iffy about this game because it looked like that one game "Thief" and that one was stupid. But I found a used copy for $4.50 so I took a whack at it.

In real life I am a quiet but friendly person. I like to hold the door for the elderly, do theater activities with the mentally disabled, bring smiles and joy to the lives around me, that whole shindig. I really do.

But in the gaming world, I am able to unleash a much darker side. It is a demon that lurks in the pit of every soul.

In the game "Dishonored" you have a choice. You can be stealthy, a ghost among men, you can bring peace to your city. Or you can kill everything and everyone and bring on a giant rat plague (no joke).

What did I decide to do? Well, I did mention I unleash my dark side...

I decided to play it a second time without killing anyone and just sneaking around. Very different outcome. I also got through each level waaay quicker and that included looting and getting all the special items.

I end with this drawing. It's all I could think of throughout the whole game.

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