Tuesday, July 9, 2013

My Hair

About a year ago this happened. I have very long hair. I like having long hair. But sometimes it gets boring. It gets annoying too. It gets in my mouth when I eat. If a strong wind blows the right way, I pretty much turn into Cousin It. I'm kind of glad Pixar came out with "Brave", because I still get compliments now for looking like Merida on my more unruly days.

For Christmas I decided to give the gift of a haircut to myself. Not just a trim which equals like 2-5 inches of split ends off. A real one. 

I went in, the lady asked "How much we hackin' off today?"

Me: "Oh I don't know, around this area." (As my hand bobs up and down between just below my shoulders and the top of my shoulders.)

 She said, "Wait one second!" and took off. She came back with a ruler and told me if I go one inch more, I would be cutting off 10 inches and could donate to Locks of Love.

So you know what? I went for it. I chopped it off. And you know what else? It was still a fairly good length, just to the tops of my shoulders. I was very satisfied with it. Normally when I cut that much off it goes all "Hurley" on me. You know, the big guy on "Lost" who becomes the new Jacob at the end? SPOILERS!!

I'm pretty sure this is what my hair does:

But this time, I think my hair was more accepting of my decision. That doesn't mean everyone I knew reacted the same way. Skippy in particular had a rather... passionate response.

He used my hair as shelter from the sorrow filled rain clouds. I think he secretly liked it. Note the happy faces in his sad puppy eyes.

And he would do this:

He missed my 10.5 inches. 


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