Monday, July 15, 2013

The post leading up to the actual post.

This is a drawing I did in high school when I first discovered Photoshop.

Squiddly arms and laser eyes.

Now that I have your attention, read this:

Hey all you cucumbers keeping cool out in Coolsville! 

How in... the butt did we humans ever come up with Christmas in July? June is actually the halfway mark in'it? I'm too lazy to wiki that information at this current moment. Maybe one of you... 2-5 people that read this blog can leave a comment and school me.

Anydangway, going along with the weird theme I am posting a Christmas album I did 'bout 2 years ago which features... things. First let me show you something before it gets rolling because there's a character in there that'll make you go "WTF" unless you see these.

Click that down below.

I had this dream back... (checks facebook album post date) Oh my, 7/14/08. I had that dream 5 years ago. It had this weird stomping "Mountain Boot" that I think I had to climb but it kept moving all over this swampy area. There was a random pumpkin rolling around and in the middle of the marsh was this garlic, possibly onion, hut where the Deku King from Zelda: Majora's Mask lived. And he was a witch doctor. He gave me the task to infiltrate a grand ball.

That's all I remember from that.

Then the pumpkin came back in another dream I had.... (checks)... 12/4/08.

 This was back in the day where I didn't wear clothes apparently.

The moral of the story is: you throw the pumpkin in the cauldron, it makes Candy Land. 

I haven't seen the all powerful dream deity gourd since (not that I can remember).

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