Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Drunkily Drawn Fair Story

In which I drew stuff after having like a six pack. I think they were Magic Hat's. I was in it for the beer fortunes. They're much more accurate than fortune cookies. Like one time I was procrastinating on my book, cracked one open and the bottom of the cap said "Sharpen that pencil and go write more!"

Story after the jump.

I could have so raged that entire fry stand. They even had fried bubbergum. Dude, if they slod booze at the fair, I'd so be all over the fried gum. They even havd fried Koolaid!  KOOLAID! Oh that's the ameircna way! ameircva... AMRE... A-M-E-R_I{ DASMNIT!

He took one bite and he was finished.

Aslo: When you eat a lto of oreos, it does thingsa to your... well... bowels. Don't worry, you're not drying. it's just cookies.... i thought i was dying but then remembered.

I speak fluent goose. I studied their launguage thoughout childohood.

Damn that's a hott balloon wall.so shiny and majestic. not rigged looking at all. unlike beer bottles. you gotta mash those with crappy mushy baseballs.

it took me like 5 tries to type "hmmmmm" poroperly.... and i just realzied the last M is still messed up. whoops.

I will give you one guess.

But it was the only crappy walrus they had! he's unqieu! unlike those stupid raggae banaes! you know what's a hard whord... WORD to type drunk? bananaaas. bansna- BANANAS. I need Gwen Stefani to spell that.


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