Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Xavier and Pottery Things

Hey all you menfolk, do you struggle to be romantic but still keep your weirdo tendencies on? Well have I got advice for you! Just get your lover some flowers and give it an exotic name!

Skippy got me flowers and he named them Xavier!

And yes, that is Walkman painted on a plate. Might as well post those pictures too. Two weekends ago we went and did pottery crafts. Yet another way to spend time with your lover and do weird things!

Skippy's Owl:

I swear we're not alcoholics! We don't have recycling in the development and I have yet to find a place to properly dispose them! I think there's a liquor store where you can throw away old bottles and that was pretty cool, it looked like a dirty laundromat of broken glass and people covered in mysterious dust and paint splatters. I've never seen such a place! I'm rambling now.  Here's the backside of the owl.

His butt looks like a target!

And the art in the back is some old stuff I did in high school I plan on hanging. But it turns out frames are kind of pricey.

And here's the plate I made that I plan to slap a giant pork loin on at some point. That is, whenever it goes on sale for $1.88 a lb, because that fed us for like the whole week. And according to Skippy, I eat like a goat, but that's another story.

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