Monday, August 5, 2013

Oh Mah Gadz It's August!

Brace yourselves, ragweed is coming.

Holy cheese on toast, I haven't posted in so long and by that I mean a week! Shame on me for being lazy and dealing with personal needs and spending my nights playing Xbox. 

Here's a depiction of how weird my boyfriend can be. 

 photo Sugar1_zps0bc22162.gif

And a reason as to why he's "beep booping" on this side of blog town....

Skippy is in the navy. He has been around the world. He has met many fun, crazy people and sampled very good liquor. And some very bad liquor. There should be a post about the Honey Badger juice at some point. 

I heard the radar once. It's loud. There's a warning to wear protective gear for your ears if you're close to it. He couldn't because if he did, he wouldn't hear the wake up call.

I don't know how he got to be this weird but I have some theories. 1)Lack of sleep on the ships. 2) the dozen something concussions he received in childhood. 3) I'm just the special someone he can be weird around.

Disclaimer: Crappy Cartoon courteously respects Anne Frank and what she had to go through. We apologize if we have offended her ghost or family.

More strange things to come.

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